Saturday, 14 August 2021

Failed films!

I worked for several years on SFX magazine illustrating films that hadn't yet been made but were in development. Here are two that never saw the light of day or the dark of a cinema- The sequel to the failure that was Green Lantern although it did make a lot of money in Asia apparently. Which might explain the announcement to make Green Lantern 2
but alas, taht particualr lantern was never to shine its light.
Another unrealised project was to make Stan Lee an arse-kicking spy in the 70s when he was still a spritley chap (and alive!). I don't know whether the intention was to have a younger look-alike play

Stan or do one of those computer youngifying effects on him. But anyway, it was another unfulfilled project. There were many more examples of this which I'll post up in the future.


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